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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Eat to Live

Since starting this blog I've completely revamped my approach to weight loss and health.  I've read Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman and Super Immunity.  (not the whole books because he kind of loses me with all the science) For the last 4 days I've been doing the 6 week challenge outlined in his book with a few of my own modifications.  I just can't let go of coffee yet.  One thing at a time.  But, for the last 4 days, I've been following a plant based diet.  All the veggies and fruit I want, some nuts and seeds and a small helping of whole grains. 
I have to say that I love this!  I've always loved vegetables, but for some reason, I was reluctant to prepare them.  Knowing that I can eat all I want has kept me from feeling deprived and I can feel my taste buds are already changing to think of fruit as a dessert! This just might be the fit I was looking for.  Oh and for the record, I've lost 3 pounds in 3 days (which is probably water weight from cutting down on salt) but, I'll take it. 
I'm super excited by the fact that he quotes study after study that a plant based diet reduces and even eliminates heart disease.  At 43, my cholesterol is a bit high.  I'd love to get it checked again in 6 months to see if there is a difference.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Week 2- Holy Falling off the Wagon Batman! -Oh boy.. ONE meal can make me go over by about 1200 calories.  Just a little eating out with the hubby (who can eat anything and not gain a pound) and I've blown my whole weekend. I need to get back on track today.  This journey is going to be a series of getting back on track I believe.  I did have a great 4 mile run yesterday.  The air was so cool and crisp.  It's my favorite running weather!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Down 3 pounds!! I'm so excited.  I'm more motivated to keep going.  This hasn't been too hard so far.  I've been letting myself have 1/4 cup of real ice cream every day.  Knowing I'm going to get this after dinner, has kept me on track throughout the day. I highly recommend it. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Week 1-Today's the day!  I've been diligently tracking every calorie that goes into my body.  I was made more motivated than ever by the scale at the Dr.'s office today!  Yikes!  I'm doing well except it's 5:20 p.m. and I only have 334 calories left in the day.  Starting weight at office was 166.5.  I'm sure it will be different at home.
It's 4 days in and I feel like I'm doing well.  Yesterday I completed an adventure triathlon (kayaking, cycling, running).  I did celebrate a little last night with my sister, but I'm totally back on track today.  It's 7:07 pm and I still have 195 calories left.   (yay)  My Fitness Pal is great for keeping track of  calories.  I've downloaded the app for when I'm out and about.
I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow to see if any weight has been lost. (crossing my fingers)
  • 8/5/13-Down 2 pounds! (well 1.8 to be exact)

Sunday, July 21, 2013

It's the beginning...

I've been a runner now for 8 + years.  I love to run.  I love the feeling after the run.  I love the awesome people I've met while running..  But lately, my body has hurting.  The first steps in the morning are painful.  My knees hurt and the plantar fasciitis is threatening to rear its ugly head again.  I know it's the extra weight I'm carrying around.  My times in races lately have been much slower and I just feel sluggish.
I've been reading a lot lately about what makes the Kenyan runners the best in the world. It's a complicated combination of things apparently, but part of it is their BMI.  Most Kenyan runners have a .5 ratio height to weight.  At 5 feet, 3 inches, my ratio now is .38.  To get to that .5 ratio, I need to be at 125 pounds.  Oh boy.  At 164, that is a loss of almost 40 pounds.
Now I'm never going to be a Kenyan-fast runner, My fastest 5k time is 31 minutes.  But what if? What if lose the weight? How fast can I go?  It will be an experiment of sorts. One that will be tough, because I LOVE to eat.  Always have.  But I'm putting it all out there, so lets go.
I'm going to lose the weight by calorie counting.  It's the only way I've lost in the past.  I'm going to eat 1200 calories per day except on workout days. On those days, I'll eat 1500 calories.